RareSim is the first digital simulation platform for rare diseases. The aim of the platform, set up by SimforHealth, is to implement training and scientific content to be used for information or education in order to raise awareness among non-specialist health professionals to help combat diagnostic error.
As rare diseases often evolve and cause serious problem, the development of innovative solutions in addition to medication is vitally important for patient care. This is why SimforHealth has responded to the “Improving screening and diagnostic delay’s” call for projects run by “Coalition Next“, proposing the creation of a digital simulation platform for rare diseases.
The purpose of the platform is to raise health professional’s awareness of different rare diseases starting with a first simulator oh the “Culture of Doubt”. These first simulators will contribute to maintaining the culture of doubt necessary to reduce delays in patient care, avoid diagnostic errors and inappropriate and unnecessary treatments, and reduce the need medical appointments.
Firms already engaged in therapeutic research and innovation to treat patients with rare diseases, Ipsen France, Novartis France, Pfizer France and Takeda France, as members of “Coalition Next” decided to support SimforHealth’s project to bring significant improvements in this area, where medical needs are currently not being met.
According to the French HAS, simulation in healthcare means « the use of equipment virtual reality or a standardised patient to reproduce healthcare sirtuations or environments…».
Digital simulation is the use of tools such as computers, tablets or even virtual reality for a virtual patient consultation. As in real life, you can interact with the patient, view their medical notes, carry out a clinical examination, and much more.
This simulation method can be used to develop good habits and maintain knowledge in order to be better prepared for treating patients by practising virtually. It is by facing a situation that we truly learn how to deal with it.
SimforHealth is a publisher that specialises in training health professionals through digital simulation.
Using its expertise in three different areas, the team develops technologically and scientifically powerful software suitable for the needs of health professionals.
With more than 150,000 health professionals having been trained on its simulators, SimforHealth is an expert in its field.
An unique French initiative designed to accelerate innovative health projects for healthcare service providers and patient associations.
Run by Digital Pharma Lab, Europe’s leading independent PharmaTech accelerator, whose founder members are from the healthcare industry, AP-HP healthcare facilities, the IMAGINE Institute, Harmonie Mutuelle, and patient associations. Supported by Angels Santé, and innovators like BPI France, France Digitiale and France Biotech, which chairs the Ethics Committee.
Its mission is to call for projects on specific subjects to encourage the adoption of e-health solutions for all patients. These solutions meet needs previously expressed by health professionals and healthcare establishments. In addition to this, “Coalition Next” also works on digital health and its widespread deployment among all those working in the healthcare system.